Monday, April 25, 2011

Its my the mirror

I am fat. 260. I saw myself in the mirror and was "who dat fat guy". My kids like that my belly "jiggles", I dont. So I have started  to fight this fat man that is me. I bought some rubber bands for working out and in a month I see some results in my shoulder and arm, and my boobs are going away. But that fat belly and hate handles are still there mocking me. So I stopped drinking yummy soda, I drink diet 7up( its the best). So no sugar and no caffeine. That has been great. I sleep good and some of the heart burn stuff has gone away.

  Well I have decided to do a fat guy "combine" kinda like the NFL. Well its harder that I thought. So my 40 time is.......6.01! Fast ehh! That's all. I have a before pic but I wont put it up yet.

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